Key Stage 2Natural Wonders of the World 2Self Paced

Units of Study:

Iguaza Falls
The Dead Sea
The Matterhorn
Giant’s Causeway
The Gates of Hell
The Black Forest

Lessons: 6 X 50 Minute Lessons

Thumbnail for the home tutoring course about Natural Wonders of the World 2 for Key Stage 2 students.


How are these lessons structured?

The Course

Jake returns to the natural world to check out six more wonders! From mighty mountains to weird, burning pits, the world is full of wonderful and weird places. This trip around them will take us from Germany to Turkmenistan and many places in between. Jake will explore the geographical stories behind these places, as well as local myths associated with them.

Units of Study

Iguaza Falls

The Dead Sea

The Matterhorn

Giant’s Causeway

The Gates of Hell

The Black Forest


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Natural Wonders of the World 2

Thumbnail for the home tutoring course about Natural Wonders of the World 2 for Key Stage 2 students.

Curriculum: Key Stage 2
When: Self Paced
First Lesson:
Length: 6 Weeks
Lessons: 6 X 50 Minute Lessons

Units of Study:

Iguaza Falls
The Dead Sea
The Matterhorn
Giant’s Causeway
The Gates of Hell
The Black Forest