Key Stage 3Philosophy: Angels and DemonsTuesdays 3pm - 3.50pm

Units of Study:

The War in Heaven
Lucifer, Son of the Morning
Biblically Accurate Angels Lucifer, Son of the Morning
The Archangels
The Testament of Solomon

Lessons: 6 X 50 Minute Lessons

Thumbnail for the home tutoring course about Philosophy: Angels and Demons for Key Stage 3 students.


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Starts: 25th February @ 3pm

The Course

Angels and Demons are a core part of Christian theology and understanding of the universe. In this course we take a tour from the good to the bad, the sublime to the deepest evils by examining six groups of angels and demons.

Units of Study

The War in Heaven

Lucifer, Son of the Morning

Biblically Accurate Angels Lucifer, Son of the Morning


The Archangels

The Testament of Solomon


Worksheet - Download


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Philosophy: Angels and Demons

Thumbnail for the home tutoring course about Philosophy: Angels and Demons for Key Stage 3 students.

Curriculum: Key Stage 3
When: Tuesdays 3pm - 3.50pm
First Lesson: 25th February @ 3pm
Length: 6 Weeks
Lessons: 6 X 50 Minute Lessons

Units of Study:

The War in Heaven
Lucifer, Son of the Morning
Biblically Accurate Angels Lucifer, Son of the Morning
The Archangels
The Testament of Solomon