Key Stage 3Geography: World Building Self Paced

Units of Study:

The Atmosphere & Climate
Forests, Mountains and Rivers
Mapping Your World
Creatures Great and Small

Lessons: 6 X 50 Minute Lessons

Thumbnail for the home tutoring course about Geography: World Building  for Key Stage 3 students.


How are these lessons structured?

The Course

Have you ever wanted to play God and create a world of your very own? With this course, you can! Each week we will use geographical principles to build a world from scratch. This could be an alternate Earth, an alien paradise or a fantasy world. Join Jake as we build a weird and wonderful world together, as well as developing your own unique world too.

Units of Study

The Atmosphere & Climate

Forests, Mountains and Rivers

Mapping Your World

Creatures Great and Small




Worksheets - Download

Assessment - Download


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Geography: World Building

Thumbnail for the home tutoring course about Geography: World Building  for Key Stage 3 students.

Curriculum: Key Stage 3
When: Self Paced
First Lesson:
Length: 6 Lessons
Lessons: 6 X 50 Minute Lessons

Units of Study:

The Atmosphere & Climate
Forests, Mountains and Rivers
Mapping Your World
Creatures Great and Small