Key Stage 3Geography: USASelf Paced

Units of Study:

Fabulous Forests
Great Plains
Rocky Mountains
Dry Deserts
Wild Wetlands
Bustling Cities

Lessons: 6 X 50 Minute Lessons

Thumbnail for the home tutoring course about Geography: USA for Key Stage 3 students.


How are these lessons structured?

The Course

Explore the diverse ecosystems, creatures and human populations of the USA in this country study. From towering mountains, deep forests and arid deserts to bustling cities, squidgy swamps and rolling prairies, the USA has it all!

Units of Study

Fabulous Forests

Great Plains

Rocky Mountains

Dry Deserts

Wild Wetlands

Bustling Cities


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Assessment - Download

Mark Scheme - Download


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Geography: USA

Thumbnail for the home tutoring course about Geography: USA for Key Stage 3 students.

Curriculum: Key Stage 3
When: Self Paced
First Lesson:
Length: 6 Lessons
Lessons: 6 X 50 Minute Lessons

Units of Study:

Fabulous Forests
Great Plains
Rocky Mountains
Dry Deserts
Wild Wetlands
Bustling Cities