Classical Civilisations Fridays 11.10 - 12.40

Exam Board: OCR

Units of Study:
OCR Classical Civilisation AS and A Level Component 11: The World of the Hero
OCR Classical Civilisation A Level Components 23 and 24: Invention of the Barbarian and Greek Art
OCR Classical Civilisation A Level Components 32 and 33: Love and Relationships and Politics of the Late Republic

Exams: 3 Papers. 1 of 2hrs 20mins, 2 of 1hr 45mins

Lessons: 74 x 1 hour 30 minute lessons.

Thumbnail for the home tutoring course about Classical Civilisations  for A-Level students.

£55/ Month (22 Months)

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How are these lessons structured?
Starts: 5th September @ 11.10am

The Course

Units of Study

OCR Classical Civilisation AS and A Level Component 11: The World of the Hero

The World of the Hero

Our first unit of study will be the compulsory unit on the World of the Hero. In this unit we will study Homer’s The Odyssey and Virgil’s Aeneid. We will explore the way in which our heroes (Odysseus and Aeneas) are portrayed and differing interpretations of them. The examination on the section will first focus on the works individually and then on comparing the two.

OCR Classical Civilisation A Level Components 23 and 24: Invention of the Barbarian and Greek Art

Invention of the Barbarian

This component allows learners to explore how the Greeks saw themselves as distinct from their ‘barbarian’ neighbours. With issues of race and stereotypes so prevalent in the modern world, this component raises matters which will resonate with learners and encourage them to think about their own society and beliefs.

OCR Classical Civilisation A Level Components 32 and 33: Love and Relationships and Politics of the Late Republic

Love and Relationships

Ideas about love and relationships are key aspects of the literature, thoughts, and ethics of any society. This component offers the opportunity for learners to recognise and relate to the passions, frustrations and delights of love in the ancient world. The ethical questions raised by these ideas continue to be wrestled over by successive generations and this unit will generate interesting and important discussions about love, desire, sex, sexuality and the institution of marriage.

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Classical Civilisations

Thumbnail for the home tutoring course about Classical Civilisations  for A-Level students.

When: Fridays 11.10 - 12.40
First Lesson: 5th September @ 11.10am
Length: 2 Years
Lessons: 74 x 1 hour 30 minute lessons.

Units of Study:
OCR Classical Civilisation AS and A Level Component 11: The World of the Hero
OCR Classical Civilisation A Level Components 23 and 24: Invention of the Barbarian and Greek Art
OCR Classical Civilisation A Level Components 32 and 33: Love and Relationships and Politics of the Late Republic