Religious StudiesFridays 12.50 - 2.20

Exam Board: OCR

Units of Study:
Philosophy of Religion
Religion and Ethics
Developments in Christian Thought.

Exams: 3 Papers of 2hrs 20mins

Lessons: 74 x 1 hour 30 minute lessons.

Thumbnail for the home tutoring course about Religious Studies for A-Level students.

£55/ Month (22 Months)

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Starts: 5th September @ 12.50pm

The Course

Units of Study

Philosophy of Religion

In Philosophy of religion learners will study philosophical issues and questions raised by religion and belief. These include arguments regarding the existence or non-existence of God, the nature and influence of religious experience and the problems of evil and suffering. They will also explore philosophical language and thought, through significant concepts and the works of key thinkers, illustrated in issues or debates in the philosophy of religion.

Religion and Ethics

Religion and ethics is characterised by the study of ethical language and thought, with exploration of key concepts and the works of influential thinkers. Ethical theory will also be applied to issues of importance; namely euthanasia, business ethics, and sexual ethics.

Developments in Christian Thought.

Developments in Christian thought provides an opportunity for the systematic study of Christianity. This will include the exploration of religious beliefs, values, teachings and practices that shape religious identity, as well as sources of wisdom and authority. Also central are the ways in which religious traditions have developed over time, and religious responses to challenges and significant contemporary social issues.

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Religious Studies

Thumbnail for the home tutoring course about Religious Studies for A-Level students.

When: Fridays 12.50 - 2.20
First Lesson: 5th September @ 12.50pm
Length: 2 Years
Lessons: 74 x 1 hour 30 minute lessons.

Units of Study:
Philosophy of Religion
Religion and Ethics
Developments in Christian Thought.